

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

Key lime pie heladooooooo



2 1/2 tazas de harina 0000
cdita. de polvo leudante
1 y 1/2 cds. de semillas de amapola
160 gr. de manteca a temperatura ambiente
2/3 taza de azúcar negra
2 yemas
cdita. esencia de vainilla
3 o 4 cds. de leche

150 gr. chocolate amargo de buena calidad
cds. dulce de leche

Batir la manteca con el azúcar. Agregar las yemas de a una y la esencia de vainilla. Incorporar de a poco la harina tamizada con el polvo leudante y las semillas de amapola, e ir agregando leche según sea necesario para que todos los ingredientes de unan. Dejar descansar en la heladera media hora.
Precalentar el horno a temperatura baja. Para que sea más fácil, dividir la masa en dos y estirar cada parte lo más finita posible. Cortar círculos, y si tienen uncortapastas chiquito -como el mío de corazón- pueden agujerear el centro de la mitad de las galletitas para que después se vea el relleno. Acomodar en una placa y hornear por diez minutos aproximadamente. Dejar enfriar en una rejilla. Mientras tanto derretir el chocolate y mezclarlo con el dulce de leche. Rellenar y disfrutar!

Tarta de salmon ahumado


1 masa de tarta comprada o casera
100 grs. de salmón ahumando cortado en fetas (puede ser un poco más también)
310 grs. de queso blanco
3 huevos
¼ de taza de ciboulette picado
Sal y pimienta, a gusto

Encender el horno a temperatura media. Aceitar una tartera de 22 cm. de diámetro aproximadamente y acomodar la masa de tarta. Forrar el fondo de la tarta con lasfetas del salmón ahumado. En boul batir los tres huevos ligeramente, agregar el queso blanco, la ciboulette, y condimentar a gusto. Verter esta preparación sobre el salmón y cocinar hasta que el relleno este esté firme y dorado.

Masitas vienesas


150 grs. manteca
70 grs. azúcar
½ cdita. Polvo de hornear
2 yemas
1 cdita. esencia de vainilla
200 grs. harina

2 claras
200 grs. azúcar
50 grs. de chocolate semiamargo
100 grs. nueces

Calentar el horno a fuego medio/bajo. Enmantecar una placa de horno de 25 x 53 cm. El un bowl mezclar la harina y el polvo de hornear con el azúcar y la manteca hasta formar un arenado. Agregar las yemas y la esencia de vainilla. Mezclar hasta formar una masa homogénea que va a quedar muy húmeda. Acomodarla sobre la placa. Estirarla bien hasta cubrirla por completo. Llevar al horno por 10 minutos. Tiene que quedar un poco cruda.
Mientras tato, batir las claras a nieve e incorpora el azúcar en forma de lluvia hasta formar un merengue. Después, despacio y con la ayuda de una espátula agregar el chocolate rallado y las nueces picadas. Mezclar en forma envolvente para que no se bajen mucho las claras.

Sacar la masa del horno y esparcir por encima el merengue. Volver a meter en el horno por cinco minutos. Dejar enfriar bien y cortar en cuadrados de 5 x 5cm. aproximadamente.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Te toco, te pinto !! - bandejas decoupage


miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

Sugar Cookies

Looking for an Easy Cookie Recipe, that is Great for any Occasion. This Simple Sugar Cookies Make Excellent Cut-Outs or A Sweet Snack for Any Day.  A Favorite Traditional Cooke Recipe that You'll Always Want to Keep On Hand.   
Here’s what you’ll need:

3 Cups Flour
3/4 Cup Butter Softened
1 Cup Sugar
2 Eggs
1 Tsp Vanilla
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1 Tsp Baking Powder
1/2 Tsp Salt
1/2 Tsp Almond Extract (Optional) 
Start by pre-heating the oven to 375 degrees. Using a mixer, in a medium bowl, beat together the butter and sugar until fluffy. Add in the vanilla and almond extract and then beat in one egg at a time on medium speed until combined. Next mix in the baking soda and baking powder and one cup of flour using a wooden spoon or spatula. Add in the remaining flour one cup at a time, mixing together as you go.
On a flat surface (I used a large wooden cutting board) sprinkle with flour and then take half the dough and roll-out to about 1/4 -1/2 inch think using a rolling pin.  Using a circle cookie cutter or the rim of a glass, cut-out individual cookies and place them on a greased cookie sheet or one lined with parchment paper (parchment paper and I have become BEST friends. I use it for ALL my baking. I even found some super handy pre-cut sheets to fit my baking tray size on Amazon Parchment Paper Sheets). They won’t spread much, so you should be able to get about 9 to a tray.
ou want a more traditional sugar cookie, you can sprinkle a little sugar on top of each round before placing them in the oven. Bake the cookies at 375 for 8 -10 minutes. Let cool and then enjoy!

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

Mousse de chocolate - Lorreine Pascal


  • 200 ml double cream
  • 150g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids)
  • 50g milk chocolate
  • 3 very fresh medium eggs
  • 3 tbsp caster sugar
  • 50 fresh raspberries
  • 2tsp icing sugar to decorate

Preparation method

Put the double cream in a small pan on a medium heat and leave to warm up.
Meanwhile, snap the chocolate up into small pieces. Once the cream is just starting to steam, remove it from the heat and add the chocolate. Don’t stir it (tempting though it is!) but just leave it to sit and melt for about 5 mins or so.
In the meantime, separate the eggs, putting the yolks in a mug or small bowl and the whites in a large spotlessly clean bowl (or the bowl of a freestanding electric mixer, if using).
Whisk the whites, preferably using a hand-held electric whisk (or the electric mixer) until they reach a medium peak. To test, stick the whisk into the egg white and then flip it handle side down. The peak should look like a floppy Noddy’s hat, not standing up straight to attention. If so, then add 1 tablespoon of the sugar and whisk it up again until the whites begin to become shiny. Then while continuing to whisk, add another tablespoon of the sugar. Make sure that the whites are whisked up well and all of the sugar is dissolved before whisking in the final tablespoon of sugar.
Meanwhile, have a look at the chocolate. It may not look like it, but the chocolate will most likely be melted by now, so stir everything together. Then add the egg yolks and stir to combine.
Once the whites are lovely and thick and glossy, stir in a spoonful of the chocolate mixture. This will loosen the whites up a bit and make it easier to manage the next step. Gradually pour all of the chocolate into the egg whites and then gently fold them together. Try not to be too heavy-handed or over mix this, as it is good to keep as much air as possible in it.
Divide between the four 150ml glasses or ramekins and lightly press the raspberries into the tops. Cover each one loosely with cling film and then pop in the fridge for 30 minutes or so to firm up (or if you want to eat them ASAP, put them in the freezer for 15 minutes). These can be made in the morning for a dinner party in the evening. If in the fridge for that long, I like to take them out 15 minutes or so before I need them so that they are not too cold for the guests.
Just before serving, decorate the top of the mousse with icing sugar. I hold a piece of paper with a straight edge quite closely over the part I don’t want the icing sugar to be on and then dust away (through a fine sieve) to give a nice detail over about a third of the top.

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015

Creme Brulee - Sobrina Belen